CWB launch COVID educational flashcards and resources
One of CWB’s three main goals is to link the game to messages and action on health and social issues. That’s why we’re pleased to share our new COVID-19 health education flashcards and activities pack.
More than a year has passed since the COVID-19 pandemic brought CWB’s in-school delivery to sudden halt. While a return to “normality” is in sight in the UK, in many of the countries where we work restrictions and periodic lockdowns are likely to be ongoing features of life until the response to COVID-19 reaches all corners of the globe.
Our Ambassadors, and the community coaches and teachers we work with through our programmes, will still be working with young people when they can. These sessions are a great opportunity to remind young people of how to stop the spread of COVID-19, and why it is important to persist with these key messages even when it feels like the pandemic is never ending.
It is for that reason that we worked together to design informational flashcards for COVID-19, inspired by our success in recent years with using similar flashcards for HIV education. We know, too, that many other cricket organisations might find these useful, so we’ve put together a handy pack of additional resources to help anyone use these flashcards during a cricket session.