Partnership with Avert
We’re delighted to announce the launch of a new project at Cricket Without Boundaries, delivered in collaboration with HIV education charity Avert (check out the dedicated project page on Avert’s website here) and made possible through funding from the Mercury Phoenix Trust.
The project involves the development, testing and then roll out of brand-new educational resources across all our HIV-focus partner countries. These resources – 10 infographics for stimulating discussion and debate about HIV transmission, prevention, testing and stigma – will be used as cues within gameplay (can you name all the fluids through which HIV can be transmitted? For each one you successfully list you get an extra stump to aim at!) and as conversation starters during downtime in games.
When we designed this project, we knew that we wanted our participants to be at the heart of its development. The initial ideas for what to include in the cards have been driven by CWB’s young adolescent participants in Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda. We asked over 100 groups of young people to tell us what they wanted to know about HIV and collected these throughout our sessions over September and October 2019, and you can read more about that over on Sport and Dev.
With over 400 responses, Avert had plenty of information to work on to identify recurring themes and incorporate these with their extensive experience of developing resources for young people in sub-Saharan Africa.
Three key topic areas were identified:
- The basics of HIV transmission
- Testing, Treatment, and U=U
- Communication in friendships and relationships
And here are a few of our favourite infographics that have been designed as result:
We are now ready to start the piloting and refining process to understand if these cards are going to be useful for our networks of community coaches, ambassadors and teachers in country, so look out for pictures of the cards in action over the coming weeks! Once finalised the resources, alongside information about how to use them in a sports session, will be available to download on our resources page, as well as via the Avert website.