Joe runs the Cricket World Cup for CWB
Joe Chaplin is off to Rwanda with Cricket Without Boundaries this Autumn, and he has taken on an epic running challenge to raise awareness and funds for CWB.
Cricket Without Boundaries' resident running-enthusiast and social media guru Jhon "The Marmalade Pope" Cosgrove sat down with Joe to find out more about it:
1) Joe - tell us a little bit about yourself and how you found out about CWB?
I'm from Sheffield. Went to uni in Leeds to study German and Sociology. I've lived in Liverpool since 2013 and qualified as a primary school teacher in 2016. I spent three years as a class teacher and this year have begun a new role; teaching PE and leading health and fitness interventions with children across the school. I had heard about CWB on either TMS or the World Cricket Show a couple of years ago but became aware of this year's projects when my wife saw a poster in her office (she works in the same building as Sara) - she took a photo and sent it to me!
2) You're going to Rwanda in September - are you excited about the trip?
I'm really excited about the trip! It's a fantastic opportunity to hopefully make a big difference to communities over there and it's a country I've always wanted to visit too.
3) Tell us about how you're fundraising for the trip?
As soon as I sent my application to CWB, I started thinking about how I could fundraise. It didn't take long to come up with what seemed at the time a ridiculous challenge! Originally, I had planned to run the distance of every run scored in this summer's World Cup (20.12 metres per run for the 22 yards). As it happened, I finished the World Cup sooner than expected so defcided to add in the Ireland test and Ashes series too.
4) Were you a keen runner before starting this challenge? Have you done races etc?
I've always enjoyed running as a way of keeping fit and had been going to Parkrun semi- regularly since early 2017 but I'd never entered an official race or done such a high volume of running over such a short space of time!
5) How come you decided to add all the Ashes runs to your challenge? Were you banking on some low scores? ;)
Haha, not gonna lie, I added in the Ireland game when there was an 85 and a 38 all out! I first considered doing the Ashes too (if I had time) in the second week of the World Cup when we lost a few games to rain - that sort of diminished the challenge to me because I'd predicted a total distance based on every game being played so wanted to make up the distance. The tournament was actually lower scoring than I'd expected in general so it feels right to do the Ashes too.
6) How much money are you hoping to raise?
Originally I was hoping to meet my £750 target but people have given generously and I'd like to think I can get to over £1200 now, which would be incredible!
7) How can people donate?
My fundraising page is www.virginmoneygiving.com/joerunsrwanda and you can follow my running progress on Twitter and Instagram - both @joerunsrwanda
8) Will you carry on running after this challenge?
Yeah, definitely. I've really enjoyed the two half marathons that I've run in the last week and want to do a marathon next year now so that will force me to keep training when I get back from Rwanda! Parkrun tourism (going to different Parkruns around the country/world) also appeals to me!
9) Fancy running a half marathon in full cricket gear like our Dave Terrace did? Full pads and helmet!
Funny you should say that! I go to Rwanda on the 26th of September and have long planned to finish my challenge in style. Months ago, I worked out that the 21st of September could be my 50th Parkrun - I'm going to run the final 5km worth of the Oval test match at my local Parkrun that day in full gear - pads, helmet, gloves etc! Will be able to raise my bat as I cross the finish line!
10) Have you found the challenge difficult at all - how have you fitted all the running in?
It's a weird one, I'd never describe it as easy but knowing that I've just had to get the distance done has been a fantastic motivator to go out and run at times when if it weren't for the challenge I wouldn't have bothered! I always wanted to break the back of it early on in the tournament because I was getting married at the end of July and going on honeymoon for two weeks so knew time would be limited later in the summer. Unfortunately, due to a combination of a knee niggle and work getting really busy, my progress fell off big time in early July so I had to really go for it during the school summer holidays and rack up plenty of longer runs. It was nice to do a couple of half marathons in early September (Wolverhampton and the Wirral) to wipe out plenty of distance. I've been able to do extra distance before and after Parkruns which is something I'd never done before and then the odd run here and there after work midweek. Even managed to get 4 short runs in on honeymoon in the Seychelles - very hot but beautiful views throughout! I also managed a wedding morning 5k - great to settle the nerves!
11) Anything else you'd like to add?
Just what a pleasure it has been to be doing this is such an amazing summer for cricket. I was able to get to a couple of games in the World Cup (Windies NZ and SA Aus, both at Old Trafford) - both were brilliant games (it was especially great to see the Aussies fall short in that final group game and set up the semi against England!). My test attendance this summer is a case of what could have been - I was there on the first day at Edgbaston when we had them 8 down for 120 odd before Smith and Siddle rescued the innings and I was there at Headingley but sadly on day 2 (67 all out, Jofra beachball liberation) rather than that historic Sunday! I hadn't been to an Ashes match before though so have loved being part of the series. Finally, got to thank my wife Marty for encouraging me to apply to be a CWB volunteer when she saw the poster, and also encouraging me to get into Parkrun all those years ago - I resisted the early Saturday wake up long enough but love it now!