Monitoring and Evaluation Summaries, Spring 2017
Spring 2017 saw Cricket Without Boundaries send projects to Uganda and Cameroon. Each project lasted two weeks and between them the 13 volunteer coaches delivered sessions to an amazing 6,047 children, and trained 92 teachers and other enthusiasts as future coaches. CWB prides itself on being inclusive, and this is reflected in the ratio of boys and girls in the sessions; across the two projects 51% of participants were girls, and 49% were boys.
As part of every CWB project, volunteers complete a brief survey with 3 participants before and after each session, to evaluate their cricket and HIV knowledge. The results of this survey are presented in the document and graphics below. This year the Cameroon team also experimented with integrated M&E (you can find out more about this here) to good effect, incorporating activities into their sessions that could double as opportunities to undertake process evaluation, to better understand the challenges and knowledge of the children in Cameroon.
As CWB’s M&E lead, I would like to extend my thanks to the volunteers on these projects; who collected the data alongside their coaching and tutoring responsibilities. I would particularly like to thank Dave Terrace, who led on M&E in Cameroon and threw himself into testing the integrated M&E activities with great enthusiasm, and Sarahjane Marchant, who led on M&E in Uganda and collected a meticulous questionnaire data set, capturing rich and helpful information.
Sara Begg
The Spring report is available to download here, and project-by-project infographics are below.