Cricket Without Boundaries puts 'Hands Up for #HIVPrevention
Sporting development charity Cricket Without Boundaries are putting their hands up for HIV prevention on World Aids Day - Thursday 1st December 2016 - with a new video and photos.
As part of the international campaign - Hands Up for #HIVPrevention - Cricket Without Boundaries are publishing a new promo video and photos from their recent visit to Botswana alongside photos of their other recent tours to Kenya and Rwanda.
Lee Booth, Head of Delivery at Cricket Without Boundaries, said:
"Sport has a really important role to play in #HIVPrevention. Sadly the decline in HIV infections amongst adults has ended. Over the last five years millions of people are having to cope with the news that they are going to have to live with HIV.
"Hands up for #HIVPrevention is a great way to get that message across. In Botswana - a country where one in four of the population is HIV positive - people were really happy to write on their hands what they feel is really important.
"Words like 'Condoms', 'Test', 'No Stigma', 'Be Faithful' might appear as very simple but can be hugely significant in the fight to prevent HIV. There is an urgent need to reinvigorate the #HIVPrevention messages. We know from our work over the past 10 years, including trips only a few weeks ago to Botswana, Kenya and Rwanda that by combining sport - in our case cricket - with positive action - the HIV health messages can get through."
The new 'Hands up for #HIVPrevention' video produced by Cricket Without Boundaries volunteer Robbie Gunn is available to view here. The #HIVPrevention photos will be posted across Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Flickr with others invited to post their own.
Anyone interested in finding out more about volunteering for Cricket Without Boundaries , with trips currently being planned to Botswana, Cameroon, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda in Autumn 2017 and Spring 2018, should click here.