CWB join forces with All Out Cricket to celebrate 10th anniversary
As part of Cricket Without Boundaries (CWB) 10th Anniversary we have joined forces with the fantastic All Out Cricket (AOC) magazine.
The self-proclaimed, ‘World’s Best Cricket Magazine” is helping CWB celebrate its achievements of the last decade in regular features throughout the year.
CWB head of media Luke Sellers, said the partnership was a great platform to spread the word and recruit new volunteers.
He said: “All Out Cricket is the go to magazine for the latest news, views and analysis from across the game and we are delighted they have offered to support us in our 10th anniversary year. The work of our tireless army of volunteers has brought about so many incredible stories over the last decade that our only challenge is fitting them all in.
“We hope that these articles will capture the imagination of AOC readers and encourage them to volunteer for future projects.”
The February edition of AOC looked back on the last 10 years with trustees Andy, Chris and Ed as they recalled the very first Cairo to Cape Town trip and looked ahead to what the future might hold. To read the article click here.
In March AOC reported on CWB’s first ever project that focused on using cricket to stop the practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Kenya.
Working alongside the Massai Cricket Warriors and UK-based charity 28 Too Many the group of mainly female volunteers made incredible strides in empowering young women and raising awareness about the issue. You can read the full report here.
Next month’s AOC features an interview with the newest member of the CWB family, a certain Matthew ‘Hoggy’ Hoggard who is embarking on the Great Swim series of open water swims to raise money for us in 2015. The 2005 Ashes winner was recently named as England’s best bowler of all time based on analysis by the BBC.
To find out more about All Out Cricket, including how to subscribe please visit www.alloutcricket.com