Lee's photo success!
A picture taken by Cricket Without Boundaries volunteer Lee Booth has been shortlisted in the third annual Wisden – MCC Cricket Photograph of the year competition.
The arresting image of a girl batting in front of a “stop war” mural in Northern Uganda was judged to be one of the best 11 pictures from more than 300 entries – many by professional photographers. The photo - which was taken in Gulu on a CWB trip in 2012- will be exhibited at Lord’s Cricket Ground along with the other top snaps. The announcement of this year’s winners coincides with CWB's return to the same area on the last of the Spring 2013 projects. To find out how they are getting on visit http://cwbblogs.com/northuganda2013/
Lee said: "I am delighted to have been shortlisted and it is a real honour to have one of my photographs exhibited at the home of cricket. "For me the image captured the unique way that CWB's uses cricket to bring fun and enjoyment to children in places that have often experienced incredible hardship and trauma whether that be through the HIV/AIDS epidemic, severe poverty or in this case war."
Lee’s photo was named as one of ten runners up behind a picture of Zimbabwe’s Tatenda Taibu in mid-air fielding the ball during an international Twenty20 match between New Zealand and Zimbabwe and an atmospheric shot of people playing cricket a dusty road in India. His was one of only three images in the final 11 to have been taken by an amateur photographer..