Northern Uganda 2012
CWB were asked to deliver cricket coaching courses in Lira, Gulu and Arua to teachers between 29th June to 16th July 2012 by the Uganda Cricket Association as part of their cricket development programme in Northern Uganda supported by the ICC and UK Sport. In each town 32 teachers from selected primary and secondary schools were given a 5 day coaching course delivered by Richard Davies, Ed Williams and Lee Booth with assistance from UCA coach Grayce Mutyagaba.
This was the start of a 3 year programme which hopes to establish cricket in the North of Uganda, an area that has suffered dramatically in the recent past through the impact of war with the Lords Resistance Army (LRA).
In each town teachers were given an introductory session to cricket as many had very little knowledge of the game. This consisted of familiarising themselves with both bat and ball. Following on from this formal sessions began on their own coaching skills familiarising themselves with the structure of a coaching session based on explanation, demonstration, activity, observation and feedback.
During the sessions games of 'Pairs' cricket were played, as this will be the format for their competitions in the immediate future and were an important part of their learning process of where all the skills fit into the game of cricket.
On the final day they were asked to bring groups of their own school children to work with where we could observe their organisational skills whilst delivering structured coaching sessions.
For more information please see the project blog at – www.cwbblogs.com/northernuganda2012