Rwanda Autumn project returns
On 23 September 2011, a mix of experienced and new coaches from cricket charity Cricket without Boundaries (CWB) returned to Rwanda to coach and develop cricket with key AIDS awareness messages.
Travelling the length and breath of the small country, the team in partnership with the Rwanda Cricket Association worked with players and coaches in order to improve cricket participation and to use the game as a vehicle to promote familiar HIV/AIDS awareness messages.
Amongst the many highlights there was a visit to the Rwanda Orphanage project, returning to the amazing school at Nyragunga and the sight of 100's of school children experiencing cricket for the first time on a playing field at Giterama.
A key achievement was coaching 16 coaches to achieve an ICC coaching accreditation, ensuring that the coaching of cricket would be sustained in the months ahead.
CWB Rwanda Country Manager Tim Marrion, was able to build up strong working relationships with a number of local government and non-governemental health organisations. As Tim said:
"these relationships are going to be crucial to strengthening the influence of coaching cricket for social development. Things are really starting to happen for cricket in Rwanda and it's fantastic to be part of this process".
You can find more on the Rwanda trip by visiting www.cwbblogs.com/rwanda11
Cricket Without Boundaries is extremely grateful for the financial support provided by the Woodward Charitable Trust for this project. The Trust, which focuses its efforts on charities which support children and community cohesion (amongst other things), provided a £5,000 grant to Cricket Without Boundaries to cover the primary costs of the project such as transport and accommodation for the team while in Rwanda. More information on the Trust's work can be found at their website at http://www.woodwardcharitabletrust.org.uk.