Opening up - October 2011
In October CWB hit the fantastic milestone of coaching its 20,000th child. We also have spent the last 3 months delivering projects recruiting volunteers and building relationships with UK, African and international NGOs
The recent Autumn projects to Uganda and Rwanda taught AIDS awareness through coaching cricket to over 2,500 kids and trained 63 new ICC coaches. Not only was Uganda CWB's 25th project it was there that we reached the milestone of coaching cricket to our 20,000th child.
The team's blogs make a brilliant and inspiring read, in particular the trips to the Orphanages: http://cwbblogs.com/uganda11/ and http://cwbblogs.com/rwanda11/. At the time of writing CWB were also in Kenya and you can follow that teams progress here http://cwbblogs.com/kenya11/
As always the projects left behind not just AIDS awareness T-Shirts and Kwik cricket equipment, but also a lot of hardball kit. Thanks also to the generosity of Tildenet we were able to leave cricket nets behind as well.
We are gearing up for our biggest intake of volunteers for the spring projects with a 5th country being firmly in our sights. Recruitment days were held at the Oval in London and for the first time at St Philips Chambers in Birmingham and the Belvoir Castle in Nottinghamshire. The volunteers will include a team from the Belvoir Cricket Trust, including former Nottinghamshire and Surrey cricketer, Darren Bicknell: http://belvoircastlecrickettrust.com/
If any of you would like to get involved in our projects, please contact us. Or if you know others who would like to get involved or would simply like to hear about our work please do pass this newsletter on.
We couldn't do any of this without your support so please do stay in touch and lets all continue to help "bowl AIDS out of Africa" and reach another 20,000 children.