Youthivate India project
Youthivate India project & Cricket Without Boundaries have joined forces to help gather second-hand Cricket equipment from local Sussex clubs to take out to areas of severe poverty in Tamil Nadu, Southern India. The children & young people who live in the local villages enjoy watching cricket, however this is an activity in which they have no resources to play themselves.
We will be working at a local level to directly engage with the poor, with the aim of increasing sport participation opportunities to improve the health and well-being of the children & young people. By setting up and running a variety of sports sessions within the villages, we will create opportunities for the young people to become young sport leaders and organise sports tournaments and festivals for the children. The overall objective is to create a sustainable model for improving participation and health opportunities.
Access to and participation in sport is essential in helping individuals of all ages lead healthy and fulfilling lives. Play, physical activity and organised competitive sport have an important role in all societies, as the power of sport is a medium which unites all countries and cultures.
We would like to say a huge thank you to www.myparceldelivery.com who have been pivotal to this projects success. They will be contributing their services to deliver the sports equipment that has been generously donated by Cricket Without Boundaries to India. This is a company that displays a real understanding of community responsibility and I would highly recommend that you support them by using their services for any deliveries in the UK or Internationally. You can visit their website at http://www.myparceldelivery.com
To all the supporters of this project may I please ask that you go onto their Facebook page and express your gratitude for their support of this project. Facebook Address: myparceldelivery.com
Youthivate & Cricket Without Boundaries hope that through sport we can really help to improve the quality of life of children in Southern India.
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